Bottomless Men What Are These Locusts That Come Out Of The Bottomless Pit In In Revelation 9: 7-10?

What are these Locusts that come out of the Bottomless Pit in In Revelation 9: 7-10? - bottomless men

Is that a description of the weoponry today? If so, what is described?

Apocalypse 9
2 And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke rose from the pit like the smoke obscured a great furnace, and the sun and the air through the smoke of the pit.

3 And the smoke locusts upon the earth, and gave a power like the scorpions of the earth have power

7 The appearance of the locusts was like horses prepared for war, and their heads crowns of gold, their faces were like human faces

. 8 They had hair like women's hair and her teeth were like lion's teeth ".

9 They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of the car, many horses are running in the battle.

10 have tails like to scorpions, and there were stings in their tails they had the power to insult people for five months.


kellythe... said...

Plauger is a symbol of the gods above. It can also more than overwhelmed by a large and powerful army.
In connection with this verse literally, locusts are very smart and invincible might. This could be the demons of hell, or a literal army.
Or it could be something, now and for future generations
sounds like a war zone
give a human face: intelligent people and the army
the iron armor in war uniforms
Helicopters rushing wings could
For what it may be modern or weapontry a very bad time to end the war. I certainly hope not to be there!

dwn04142... said...

Demons. I take the word of God, not symbolic

Soul Shaper said...

They are not locusts. I know that much. There is an analogy with the metaphors. Try not to take too literally. The man was given dominion over all living things on Earth. More than likely, this is a description of a man used the metaphor to describe their deficits. An analogy of Christians today come to mind when reading this.

Virginia B (John 16:33) said...

When the king is the angel of the bottomless pit, Apollyon, as mentioned in verse 11 of this chapter, these locusts, demonic beings, the real power be given to those who have not the seal of God on their foreheads spoiled.

Ruth said...

I have not seen a weapon with hair and teeth.
It is necessary to return to the drawing board.

Searcher said...

Kind of sounds like: Alien-Predator hybrid.

frenzy-CIB- Jim's with Jesus said...

They are the symbol of his inner demons, reincarnation await him in his study of the life after death, and before their later lives.

Through the inner demons, I mean things like jealousy, hatred, prejudice, unresolved guilt, etc.

Paul B said...

It seems a little unlikely. It seems that this is a natural phenomenon that has developed over time relates primitive superstitious people.

Hummer spend part of their life cycle underground like worms. If you are ready for new mass movement to adulthood, and can form large swarms - or parasites, if you want to be biblical.

The first farmers, because these clouds were apparently from the soil and the destruction of their cultures, to believe he is a supernatural phenomenon to apologize. More details (of the teeth of lions, etc.) is simply a myth around the context of a natural event built.

joseph86... said...

The heads of some lobsters have the correct shape of the heads of the horses, and a comparison here.
The horse is a creature of war, quick, strong and brave, Job_39: 21 Lobsters are sometimes created in the form of armies. This part of the description of the part related to the wars of the Saracens, and the speed, power and energy with which they occupied a large part of the empire, and how they can apply to the Western Desert disputes, complaints and disputes with the Catholic clergy collected.

I_B_WHO_... said...

"The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle"

The reports of the GEO magazine was 1784 in South Africa by "the greatest shoal [Hummer ever] hit recorded in history." The cloud covers an area of two square miles [5200 square miles], which is about five times as big as Hong Kong. Smith's Bible Dictionary says that lobsters great damage to vegetation in the countries he visits commits. "

In which God had given him the revelation of things during the "Day of the Lord Jesus used a vision of a swarm of locusts. As she explained:" The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. (Revelation 1:1, 10; 9:3-7) What was the significance of this symbolism?

Jehovah's Witnesses have long been understood that the locusts of the Apocalypse, Chapter 9 shows, the anointed servant of God on earth in this century. These Christians have been assigned a specific task to preach the message of the Kingdom of the wide world and make disciples. (Matthew 24:14, 28:19, 20) This encourages them to overcome obstacles andto keep his job. What could show better what the indomitable desert?

Even if a little more than two inches [5 cm] long, lobster, usually between 60 and 120 miles travel [100-200 km] per day. Locusts may even increase it to 600 miles [1000 km]. GEO said that "shaft of the wings 18 times per second and up to 17 hours a day, what to do with any other insects. What a big job for someone so small!

As a group, the Jehovah's Witnesses in spreading the good news of the Kingdom are steadfast. Sermon today in more than 230 fields. The servants of God have overcome many difficulties in order to participate in the implementation of the work. What kind of problems they are facing? Prejudices, legal restrictions, sickness, discouragement, and opposition from family members are just a few. But nothing has managed to halt their advance. They adhere to their God-given work.

t a m i l said...

Damn. And they have the people to fly fighter planes. And that the war could be chemical. Since the injured persons for 5 months.

But I do not know exactly.

Toadaly said...

Lobsters are the Roman army.

"And the appearance of the locusts was like horses prepared for war, and their heads crowns of gold, their faces were like human faces"

There are men on horseback in armor.

"And run they had breastplates as breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of the car, many horses in the battle."

These cars, and not, of course.

"And they have tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails they had power to hurt men five months"

The forces are the main attack on foot through the horse and carriage.

The mystery of the revelation geos away when you consider that the past is that in the future.

Wisdom said...

It is symbolic and the meaning is = the power of God in a variety of people who manifested experience going door to door, what is happening now. Yes, he will spend several times what it is today.
You can not anywhere in the world that a Jehovah's Witness at the door and try to get friends.
Thus, the locusts as a cloud of witnesses of God is sent.

Tommorow Belongs to Me said...

If you are a spiritual inclination, I suggest reading his attention to something else. You gain nothing trying to solve this kind of prophecy.

Juan Espera De Dios No Mas said...

Fear! I think that nano-range missiles.

Juan Espera De Dios No Mas said...

Fear! I think that nano-range missiles.

imacircl... said...

Many researchers identify the power represented in the Apocalypse refers to Islam and its prophet Mohammed.
It is a power that is responsible for damages for those who do not receive the seal of God. "" They said they will not harm the grass of the earth or any green growth or tree, but only those people who have not the seal of God on their foreheads .. "Islam, in fact, Christians hold a pure monotheistic faith, but not" hurt ", whose faith had been corrupted idolatry and polytheism.
Their leader is called the angel of the abyss. "The Greek word" angel "angel means" messenger. "Abyss can be understood as a desert, the desert. If, indeed, we assume that refers to Islam, it would seem logical that this should be identified as a Saudi. Their leader then as "Apostle Arabia. It's in the Bible, the Injil, Apocalypse 9:11, RSV. "You have to say about them as king the angel of the abyss, named Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek. For Jews and Greeks, whose religion is not without blemish, is called "destructive".
The purpose of this office was to people to worship the one true God and away from their idolatry and evil. But most of humanity does not repent of their wickedness. "The rest of humanity, which were converted killed by these plagues still did not differ from the works of their hands and stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver and bronze, stone and wood, you can not see, hear or walk, or repentance of their murders or their sorceries or their immorality or their thefts. "

But that does not mean Islam is wrong, it's like a plague or a demon, which ensures that any Christians.

imacircl... said...

Many researchers identify the power represented in the Apocalypse refers to Islam and its prophet Mohammed.
It is a power that is responsible for damages for those who do not receive the seal of God. "" They said they will not harm the grass of the earth or any green growth or tree, but only those people who have not the seal of God on their foreheads .. "Islam, in fact, Christians hold a pure monotheistic faith, but not" hurt ", whose faith had been corrupted idolatry and polytheism.
Their leader is called the angel of the abyss. "The Greek word" angel "angel means" messenger. "Abyss can be understood as a desert, the desert. If, indeed, we assume that refers to Islam, it would seem logical that this should be identified as a Saudi. Their leader then as "Apostle Arabia. It's in the Bible, the Injil, Apocalypse 9:11, RSV. "You have to say about them as king the angel of the abyss, named Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek. For Jews and Greeks, whose religion is not without blemish, is called "destructive".
The purpose of this office was to people to worship the one true God and away from their idolatry and evil. But most of humanity does not repent of their wickedness. "The rest of humanity, which were converted killed by these plagues still did not differ from the works of their hands and stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver and bronze, stone and wood, you can not see, hear or walk, or repentance of their murders or their sorceries or their immorality or their thefts. "

But that does not mean Islam is wrong, it's like a plague or a demon, which ensures that any Christians.

Gen•X•er (I love zombies!) said...

Lobster is a giant grasshopper. You are great.

There is no such thing as a bottomless pit. With the exception of my brother's stomach.

Azure Z said...

If you come from a bottomless pit, it must be a kind of flying machines of war that the mole-men have used against us. The only way that could really have a bottomless pit, is whether the "Hollow Earth" theories are really true.

I know of no modern weapons, such as women's hair. Although I suspect that the soldiers could begin their wigs on assault weapons hit, I do not think that's likely.

Linda J said...

Do not know for sure until it happens, but I've always wondered whether bacteria or viruses from a mistake or something to that effect.

christia... said...


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